Monday, December 14, 2009

Wrapping up 2009...another year gone by

Wow, another year almost over and with that comes my last session of 2009! I bravely made my way south through a snow storm down to the small rural town of Everett, Ontario to shoot Crystal and her lovely 10 month old daughter, Izabella! I hadn't seen Crystal in over 2 years....long before Izabella!! 
I must say that Bella was a "model" client! She was more than willing to sit for a few photos...she played it very serious for my camera, even when Nana performed some silly antics to try to get her to smile...nonetheless, Bella held firm and gave us her very best regal impression! :)


There's a smile!!

One of my personal favourites!

This is a fave of mine too!



Thank you Crystal once again for allowing me to work with you and your beautiful daughter! She is incredible and I wish you both all the best in 2010!

Cheers and Merry Christmas <3

Jingle Bells....The spirit is in the Air!

I apologize for being so negligent in my updates, but I've been going crazy the past few weeks...we JUST finished moving and I finally unpacked and plugged in my work computer so I could get some of my most recent sessions up here on the blog!

A couple of weeks ago, I had the honor of shooting the Wiebe/Ardito Family! I've been fortunate to have worked with them many times in the past and they are dear friends of my family:) They are also one of the most whacky families I have ever met and were not afraid to show it either!
A nice group shot

Awe! How sweet!

Proud Grandparents

Isn't she just an angel?!

So pretty....



I think poor Jenna smelled something odd here...

This is by far THE best Christmas Picture I've ever seen!

Sibling love...can't you tell?!lol!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Cheers <3